This treatment with HIFU technology,focalized ultrasound of high intensity,that acts directly over the adipocytes in a directed way to achieve a high precision in its action. This energy acts provoking small lesions in the fat cells,destroying them without damaging the adjacent tissue. During the application no inflammation is caused,therefore no time is necessary to recuperate.
- Various areas can be treated at the same time.
- Without any secondary effects: This treatment doesn’t effect the surrounding tissue around the target fat cell of the focalised ultrasound. Doesn’t produce inflammation or bruising.
- High precision to reduce localised fat.
- Reduces as much as 2.5 cm in a single session; indicated for use on soft localised and dense fat. The results are noticeable in three weeks after the session and can increase as much as two weeks after.
- Painless: This application is simply applied through a fine layer of ultrasound gel of in the area to be treated and doesn’t require anaesthesia or sedatives.
- Improving corporal composition. The great novelty of this technique is that it is not,invasive and it is painless,respecting fat cells of high biological value and thereby improves corporal composition of the body and therefore the patient’s health.
- Improves health. By eliminating fat cells mainly responsible for inflammation in our organism and therefore prejudicial for our health,this treatment goes further than just aesthetica as different scientific studies have related,above all abdominal fat that surrounds internal organs,responsible for hipertension,heart problems and others.